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Why I don't Want to Film my Art Process Any More!

My previous article about the Artist's Social Media Burnout, made me realise what brings me the most procrastination causing me not to make art any more.

Filming! And to be exact, filming the making process.

Oh how I dread having to make something because I have to leave my desk, set up the filming table, make everything aesthetically pleasing, and work on weird angles not being able to see my paper the way I want it because I should not block the camera etc...

The amount of times I have wanted to make something and said “Don't make it now because you cannot film it” leading to never actually making it, is way more than the times that I have actually made something in the past few years.

And I hate it. I hate it that I have allowed trends, algorithms, and behaviours dictated by social media competition, get between me and my art.

I want to make art on my desk while watching series and having snacks, I want to make art in the park while I am relaxing, I want to make art at the cafe, but most of all, I want to make art without anyone watching every step of it and having to worry about camera, angles, background, or think about anything else than the art I want to make.

I know that I “have” to make “content” (damn I really dislike this term) in order to have visibility, but I cannot do it WHILE I am making my art. I might find smart ways to edit some videos with the final results or some steps of the process, or even have some projects dedicated to video-making like my Silhouettes series... but filming the entire making process will not be it from now on. (not to mention the tiresome eeeendless process of editing the videos! I could use that time to make more art instead!)

Photoshoots of the final work will be the main focus now, which means that I will return to Instagram after years of not using it. Or any other image-based platform that is adequately populated with people interested in art and visuals.

That being said, the “dread” of making art feel lifted now and I am once again very excited to start new projects. My main Gallery will always be my website, and this is where you will be able to see the social media buttons of the current socials I use.

Take care everyone, and thank you for your support all this time.

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Ars Corvinus. An independent Artist working with Ink, Watercolours, Photography, and Crafts.

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